Waiting for a Train is a short film directed by Uladzimir Taukachou and Alex Vetrov.
It's love at first sight for two young adults who must learn quickly how to deal with a health challenge.
Official Film Festival Selections:
Breaking down barriers The 8th International Disability Film Festival (Moscow, Russia) (November 10 - 14, 2016)
1st Argentina International Deaf Cinema Festival (FICSor) (Buenos - Aires, Argentina) (April 13 - 16, 2016)
Seattle Deaf Film Festival (Seattle, WA) (April 1 - 3, 2016)
Extraodinary film festival (Brussels, Belgium) (November 11 - 15, 2015)
SoCal Creative and Innovative Film Festival (Hollywood, CA) (July 23 - 26, 2015)
Rendezvous Film Festival (Fernandina Beach, FL)
Festival International Entr’2 Marches (Cannes, France) (Winner Best Actress Natalya Rudakova for character Adele)
GRACE Film Festival (San Francisco, CA)
NYC Independent Film Festival (New York, NY)
Coney Island Film Festival (Brooklyn, NY)
Golden Door International Film Festival (Jersey City, NJ)
Williamsburg International Film Festival (Brooklyn, NY)
Natalya Rudakova (www.imdb.com/name/nm3130063)
Vahag Bagratuni (www.imdb.com/name/nm5402896)
Jonathan Cruz (www.imdb.com/name/nm5544061)
Robin Haden (www.robinhaden.com)
Katie Trubetsky (www.exploretalent.com/katietrubetsky)
The film Waiting for a Train has been accepted to 13 film festivals around the World and it won Best Actress award in Cannes, France.